Devils Line (2018)

Devils Line (2018)

Original Post Date: 29 June 2018
For generations Vampires have been able to keep their identity a secret under the government. Vampires do not need to drink blood but when they are craving they become uncontrollable monsters. Anzai a half vampire falls in love with a human girl named Tsukassa.
Devils Line is quite an interesting Anime. I was first interested in this Anime because I am still interested in the Vampire genre even though the Vampire phase is over. Although the show didn’t have a very good plot and is quite rushed at times its does have a good storyline and very interesting characters. This Anime does focus more on the romance side which I enjoyed. The animation isn’t of very high quality but it is worth watching.
I didn’t like that the last episode was very rushed with a ‘weird’ ending. I think that this anime was made just to boost the manga sales so the people creating the anime didn’t put much thought into it. I would say this is enjoyable to watch and has massive potential if a season 2 is to happen but it’s very unlikely.
I am currently reading the manga and I would recommend people to read it.
A lot of people though that this show is basically a Tokyo Ghoul rip off but I disagree and I never saw it as another Tokyo Ghoul anime.
Sorry for my bad posts I haven’t done an Anime review in almost 2 years.
Ep:12 Aired: Spring 2018 R: Must Watch OR: 3/5 CG: 18+

One thought on “Devils Line (2018)

  1. I watched the first 5 or 6 episodes and I didn’t see it as Tokyo Ghoul. It has the basis with hunting vampires like Tokyo Ghoul hunted Ghouls. The vampires blending into society like the ghouls did I can see how that is relatable. But this show was so brutal to watch for me. The girl was sooo annoying and the love story was kind of a drag. I wish it could have been written differently. Great post . Thanks for sharing.

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