My Thoughts on The Eternal Love: Season 3 | Upcoming Releases

My Thoughts on The Eternal Love: Season 3 | Upcoming Releases

Eternal Love Season 2.jpg

The Eternal Love 2 is currently still airing and has become a huge success. It has achieved 1.5 million views online and the number keeps getting bigger.

Available on Viki

Synopsis for The Eternal Love 2

Mo Lian Cheng met Qu Xiao Tan once again. At this time, however, Qu Xiao Tan has not met Mo Lian Cheng yet and does not know about her future destiny. Mo Lian Cheng has retained all of the memories and suffers alone from Qu Xiao Tan’s failure to know him. He silently loves Qu Xiao Tan, and it becomes his goal to make her fall in love with him once again. With challenges in his way… (MyDramaList


Due to the massive success of The Eternal Love 2 it has been officially announced that there will be a 3rd season (The Eternal Love 3) which will air in 2019.

My Thoughts / Opinions 

I already knew that it might have a season 3 but I didn’t think it was going to happen. Also I think the leads might reject doing season 3 because they already have a busy schedule. Although it is normal in western countries to play the same role for 10+ years in Asia it’s different. They would probably be tired of playing the same role over and over again and it would probably effect their careers cause that may be the only thing they are famous for.

Also if your think about it they are probably getting paid a lot for this role.


It has later been revealed that the lead actors will reprise their roles. Although this contradicts my previous opinion if you think about it The Eternal Love wouldn’t be The Eternal Love without the original cast. It would be a total flop if they didn’t keep the leads although I think they will need to replace some actors.

I am curious how the leads will be able to do this since they have VERY busy schedules due to their massive increase in fame in the past year.

I do think a 3rd season is unnecessary but at the end of the day it is sadly all about business and profit.

In Conclusion

I have mixed and contradictive opinions on this very recent news and I hope the upcoming new season will not flop as I am doubtful it will be as successful as its prequels.

2 thoughts on “My Thoughts on The Eternal Love: Season 3 | Upcoming Releases

  1. The eternal love season 3 must come out no matter what! If you stop now people will be very anxious to know why the future him merged with his past self instead of disappearing completely or the time and space being reset to the time he was first reunited with her to give him a second chance. It doesn’t make any sense because if he rewrote history, then that means he didn’t exist. Because he belongs to a different time paradox where Qu Ten’er is the 8th Princess Consort and himself as the 8th Prince. But he lets his emotion stop her from meeting her in the past like he remembers it and goes back further into his past, making their first encounter never happened. And that’s why he didn’t exist and also why you must create season 3 of eternal love to ease their minds from confusion.

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